Raleigh Sex Crime Lawyer

Avoiding a Raleigh sex crime conviction is about more than potential prison time—it’s about protecting your reputation and your future. Speak with a sex crime lawyer about defending your standing in the community.

Being accused of a sexual offense is a serious charge, and has the ability to impact more than a criminal record. Sex crimes come with a stigma that greatly impacts your family and your reputation for life. Because of that, taking action to defend yourself against these charges is crucial. If you don’t, you could face lifelong penalties for the charges.

At The Chetson Firm, we understand how hard it is to overcome these accusations. You don’t have to face them alone—you can get an expert Raleigh sex crime lawyer on your side. Reach out for help as soon as possible to have our expert staff begin building your robust legal defense.

Types of Sex Crimes in North Carolina

Sex crimes cover a set of criminal charges that are sexual in nature, though, the severity can vary depending on the charges. Without the assistance of an experienced sex crime lawyer, you may not be sure what you’re up against.

Below are some of the sex offenses you may have been charged with that we’re prepared to defend:

  • Indecent liberties with a child – Indecent liberties refers to lewd or otherwise sexual acts with a child that is at least sixteen years old, with the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire. The child must also be at least five years younger than you.
  • Forcible rape – Forcible rape is a Class B1 felony and the most severe of sexual offense charges. This offense refers to the rape of a child or of another adult using force, serious injury, or another person’s help.
  • Child pornography Child pornography charges are typically more severe because they can be tried in federal court. If you’ve been accused of possessing or distributing child pornography, you likely need a lawyer on retainer as soon as possible.
  • Sexual battery – Although sexual battery is the least severe of these crimes, being a Class A1 misdemeanor, if convicted, it will still greatly impact your life for years to come.
  • Federal sexual offenses Federal sex crimes cover more than child pornography. These charges may also include transporting a minor across state lines for sexual purposes, as well as prostitution.

Penalties for a Raleigh Sex Offense Conviction

If you’ve been accused of a sex crime and are unsure of the severity of the penalties? You might be concerned about dragging out your case in a Raleigh courtroom, and you may believe they have too much evidence against you, leaving you feeling hopeless to fight back. Be aware the penalties may be steeper than you realize.

Many sex crimes are felonies, which means you may face steeper penalties for a conviction. You may even face federal charges, which typically come with harsher penalties. If you’re not sure what you could be facing for your charges, reach out to a sex crime lawyer in Raleigh for help to understand the reality of the situation.

Prison Time

When you’re accused of a sex crime, you could be facing years in prison. For example, if you’re accused of first-degree rape, you might even face a life sentence in prison. That keeps you from your family, and it can be difficult to re-enter society after a situation like this, if ever at all. You may be asked to explain the gap in employment, for example.

Worse, you may never have a chance to return to your old life. Felonies can come with decades of prison time. Rather than accepting those penalties, we’re here to work diligently to protect your name and future.

Financial Penalties

If you accept a Raleigh sex crime conviction, your finances could suffer. You may face thousands of dollars in fines, which puts immense financial strain on you. If you lost your job or are unable to find employment following your release from prison, it may be almost impossible to remove that debt from your record.

Sex Offender Registry

One of the most difficult penalties following a sex crime conviction is the sex offender registry. If you’re convicted of a sex offense, you may be registered as a sex offender. This list means you may need to notify neighbors of your sex offender status, and you cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school or child care center.

Worse, it is very difficult to be removed from this registry. If you’re convicted of a sex crime, you may be on that list for at least thirty years, though your sentence may be even longer.

How Do I Respond to a Sex Crime Arrest Warrant?

You may have just found out about a warrant for your arrest. The first step is not to panic. Although you could be arrested at any time by a law enforcement officer, your sex crime lawyer has the opportunity to communicate with law enforcement and arrange a more discreet arrest. Having some notice will give you time to arrange bail and minimize your time in the police station.

If you’ve already been arrested, a trusted lawyer will help you communicate with the police without incriminating yourself. Remember that anything you say can and will be used against you, so make sure you speak with your lawyer before you say anything to law enforcement agents.

Once you’ve been booked and your court date has been set, you and your Raleigh sex crime attorney can get to work on your case. We can ensure you’re prepared for each court date and represent you every step of the way.

How a Sex Crime Lawyer Can Help You

When you’re accused of a Raleigh sex crime, it may feel impossible to fight the evidence against you. Your computer, DNA evidence, and sting operations using online chat rooms may all be used against you. With evidence and such serious charges against you, it might be difficult to pursue a reduced or dismissed charge.

That’s where a sex crime lawyer in Raleigh will help. Our experienced staff have won cases even with otherwise devastating evidence against our clients. Your sex crime lawyer will have more tools at their disposal than you may have, giving them access to a stronger defense.

Your Raleigh sex offense lawyer can also start on your case as soon as you call. They will help you deal with the booking process and will speak with the police on your behalf, to avoid incriminating yourself.

Raleigh Sex Crime Lawyer FAQ

Have some questions about your sex offense charges? We have the answers you need. Check out the frequently asked questions below for more answers, or speak with a Raleigh sex offense lawyer about your case.

How much does a sex offender lawyer cost?

The costs of a Raleigh sex crime attorney can vary depending on the length of your case and other expenses that may arise. For example, if you need expert witnesses, that may impact the costs of your case. Speak with your defense attorney about the costs you can expect.

What is the proper track of hiring the best criminal sexual conduct lawyer?

One of the first things to do when hiring the best criminal sexual conduct lawyer is to do your research. Make sure to take a look at the lawyer’s track record of successes, as well as whether they’ve handled cases like yours. Make sure you also speak with your lawyer before you make any decisions. Your future may be on the line, so ensuring you’re satisfied with them is key.

Can a convicted and registered sex offender have custodial rights to their child?

Although the law doesn’t expressly forbid you from receiving custodial rights to your child, it can impact your rights. For example, if the judge believes you pose a risk to the child, you may lose these rights. Sex offender status may also come up in custody agreements if your romantic partner or former parter disagree on physical custody of the child. We can help you protect your rights to your children.

What jobs can a convicted sex offender get?

Getting work after a sex crime conviction can feel impossible. You may be restricted on where you can go and whom you can work with. For example, teaching may be impossible. Your sex offender status and criminal record can also lead to rejections. That may leave you working jobs with lower pay outside your field of study.

Will my sex crime lawyer actually defend me?

Many people decide that those accused of sex crimes are guilty before their trial begins. At The Chetson Firm, we believe in the idea of “innocent until proven guilty.” We don’t assume you’re guilty—we fight to prove you’re not. You can expect a strong defense to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Connect with a Raleigh Sex Offense Lawyer

If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, you’re probably worried about protecting your future. You’re facing other penalties for a criminal conviction as well as the stigma of being labeled a sex offender. You don’t have to take on your sex crime case alone. You need expertise on your side.

That’s exactly what the lawyers at The Chetson Firm can provide. We will work diligently in pursuit of the most positive outcome for your case, helping you avoid lifelong penalties where possible. If you’ve been accused of a sexual offense and you’re concerned about your future, speak with a Raleigh sex crime lawyer during a free consultation. Call 919-352-9411 or fill out the online contact form below.

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