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The information provided on this website is offered solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to create or promote an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to solicit, and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Nothing herein is intended to nor constitutes a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Every case is different and outcomes will vary depending on the unique facts and legal issues of your case. It is not intended to seek professional employment in any state where Damon Chetson is not admitted to practice, or in any state where this web site would not comply with applicable requirements concerning advertisements and solicitations.

Mr. Chetson is licensed to practice in the state courts of North Carolina, and admitted to practice in the federal courts of the Eastern, Middle, and Westenr Districts of North Carolina, as well as the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

We intend to make every attempt to keep this information current. We do not promise or guarantee, however, that the information is correct, complete or up-to-date, and Internet subscribers and online readers should not act based upon this information without seeking professional counsel from an attorney admitted to practice in your location. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of that case and the results will differ from case to case. Please contact a criminal lawyer, criminal defense attorney, or drunk driving defense/DWI/DUI lawyer.

Transmission of information this web site is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship with The Chetson Firm or any of its or personnel. If you elect to communicate with the firm, or Damon Chetson, through this web site, do not transmit any information about any matter (and particularly not any confidential information) that may involve you until the firm has agreed to represent you, and you have received confirmation of that fact in the form of a written engagement letter.

19 W. Hargett St., Suite 508
Raleigh, NC 27601
Phone/Text/Fax: (919) 352-9411

Call or Text (919) 352-9411

We fight for the best possible outcome in every case.  We are honest, aggressive and compassionate. 

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